The basic design of modern buildings and constructions are made of concrete, reinforced concrete or brick. To date already made significant contributions to science of strengthening of various reinforced concrete structures. As a rule, is insufficient number of instructional materials to strengthen the work of experimental research in this area. Premature destruction of structures, loss of bearing capacity and other operating haracteristics can lead to undesirable consequences, and often threaten the integrity of buildings, and even people’s lives. Therefore, the timely implementation of works on strengthening and repair of building tructures has a very important practical significance. To date in domestic and foreign practice has accumulated a lot of different ways and constructive methods of amplification. Of which in this article we describe reinforcement of the construction and experimental testing of reinforced concrete structures, reinforced by additional pretensioned elements under load. Analyzes the current state and development trends in the field of re-equipment and reconstruction of elements of buildings and structures. Processed scientific works of scientists of many countries in the field of experimental research of strengthening of concrete tructures. Presents a list of scientific works in the field of strengthening of building structures, as well as literature used in writing this work.
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