This article is devoted to a problem of anchoring strength of anchors (wall plugs) in thin aerated concrete blockwork. The question of bearing capacity of anchor fastenings in aerated concrete walls is slightly unveiled in modern design codes. As it is said in DSTU B V.2.6-195:2013 minimal design value of bearing capacity of plastic anchors used for fastening of insulating materials should not be less then 0,25 kN. In our research we used KPR-12x100N nylon plug with Ø8 woodscrew with an O-shape hook. For experiments we prepared 2 masonry fragments with up to 15 anchors’ positions in each. Two specimens differ by diameter of drill bit (Ø11 and Ø12 mm). Two failure modes were obtained: 1) most anchors were pulled-away; 2) a few caused splitting of the specimen. It was observed an increase in bearing capacity by an average of 41.1 % due to decrease of diameter of used drill bit from 12 mm to 11 mm. Comparison of obtained results with the performance of reinforcement bars cast in cellular concrete found that the bearing capacity of cast reinforcing rod Ø 10 mm A500 is 50 % higher.
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