: 72-78
Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia, Institute of Architectural Engineering
Department of Heat and Gas Supply, and Ventilation, Lviv Polytechnic National University
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Department of Building Services Engineering
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Department of Building Services Engineering

In low-energy and passive houses, about 80 % of the total energy is consumed for fresh air heating or cooling, the reason being the improved thermal insulation and air tightness of such a building. In fact, actual trend of building construction is to keep the windows closed. A similar situation is already encountered in some means of transportation, i. e. air-conditioned trains. Ventilation of the passenger space is assured mainly by a mechanical ventilation and, when the train stops, by a natural ventilation through door opening. In this paper we present some measurements of carbon dioxide concentration in a passenger railway wagon. Two types of passenger railway wagons were monitored. The first type was an “open” wagon (having rows of seats and a central corridor like in a passenger airliner) and the second one was a “closed” wagon (having a side corridor connecting individual compartments along the body of the train). By monitoring the carbon dioxide concentration it is possible to determine if adequate fresh air is being supplied to the space where the occupants have no possibility to intervene (windows being closed).

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