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Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineering
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineering

It was analyzed Ukrainian normative documents, regulating the procedure of calculating the average annual volume of stormwater runoff from urbanized areas. It was found the big differences as in the numerical values of the general (annual) runoff coefficient, so in the classification of the surface cover type. Methods 1 and 2 indicate the ranges of numerical values of the general runoff coefficient for different cover types, but don’t explain the criteria for selecting the precise values for performing calculations under certain conditions. Methods #2 and #3 also indicate generalized average runoff coefficients for different cover types. The method #3 only recommends to take into account the wastewater from street washing works in the total annual average volume of surface wastewater. The calculation of the average annual volume of stormwater runoff from the central high-urbanized part of Lutsk (F = 146.1 ha) clearly shows the differences between the results, obtained by methods 1−3. The maximal value of the specific annual average volume of stormwater runoff, obtained using the method # 3 (W' = 3627 m3/ha), was accepted as 100%. Estimated specific volume of runoff, using the method 1 is 5.45% less, and using the method 2 is 7.17% less respectively. Calculations of average annual specific volume were done using the methods 2 and 3, taking into account generalized average coefficients surfac e runoff; the results were obtained by 24.9% and by
19.4% less respectively, comparing the baseline method 3. Performed analysis allows recommend for the practical using method 3 with the division of urbanized areas by cover types. An important problem is empirical refinement of the values of the total runoff coefficient for different cover types.

1. Ministry of Regional Development, Building and Housing of Ukraine (2013), [DBN V.2.5-75:2013 Kanalizatsiia. Zovnishni merezhi ta sporudy. Osnovni polozhennia proektuvannia], Minrehionbud Ukrainy, Kyiv. (State building norms)[in Ukrainian]

2. Zhuk V. M., Matlai I. I. (2010),[Metody rozrakhunku obiemu doshchovoho stoku], Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Heat power engineering. Environmental engineering. Automation, № 677, pp 32–38. [in Ukrainian]

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