: 199-207
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Maintaining the proper parameters of the microclimate in classrooms and classrooms to ensure the well-being of students is an important social task, since young people spend a significant part of their time in educational institutions. Failure to admit microclimate parameters in class rooms, in particular due to the high concentration of CO2, leads to deterioration of the state of health and disability of the students, as well as to the inadequate absorption of the training material. It was established that only mechanical ventilation with an air exchange rate of 30 m3/year per person provides proper sanitary and hygienic conditions in the premises of classes. However, in existing school facilities, it is difficult to provide such air exchange due to centralized inflow and exhaust ventilation systems due to already existing architectural and construction decisions. Therefore, in such objects, it is advisable to use inflow-exhaust room recuperators, but most of them are oriented on residential and office premises with a small number of people (2–3 persons) and have insufficient productivity. Unlike them, company Prana manufactures a range of recuperators with an efficiency of inflow air from 115 to 650 m3/h. Depending on the chosen model of the recuperator Prana, to achieve the desired air exchange, in the classroom should be set from 2 to 7 such aggregates. Such a number of Prana recuperators in most classrooms can be mounted only slightly below the level of the window sill, through which the flow of air will be fed directly to a person. In connection with this, it is necessary to check the parameters of the microclimate in the workplace, in particular velocity and temperature of the inflow air, as well as determine the coefficients of attenuation of the velocity m and the temperature n of the air stream coming from the recuperator Prana. It is also advisable to establish analytical settlement dependencies and create charts for engineering calculations based on them.

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