: 108-113
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of building construction and bridges
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of building construction and bridges
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of building construction and bridge

The construction of mine ventilation units is one part of the most responsible on the surface of coal mines, because the safety of underground technological processes depends on their reliable underground technological proceses. In mines of Ukraine there were cases of emergency condition of mine ventilation plants due to failure of foundations due to technogenic pneumatic erosion of soil foundation, which is not described in modern a priorial sources. Mechanism of technogenic pneumatic erosion, as a rule, is caused by a depressurization of the ventilation chamber, due to the opening of the deformation seam between the foundation and ventilation ducts. Due to the influence of the gradient of pneumatic pressure between the surface and the inner layers of the soil massif, the air is leaking everywhere in the middle of the ventilation chamber, which leads to the drying of the skeleton of the soil and the deflation of its particles. This process, in the long run, causes the following phenomena: the ground base dries and breaks up to a depth of 5 m; Caverns are formed under the sole of the foundation in the soil; Reinforced concrete structures due to the kinematic influences caused by uneven deposition of the soil base, are destroyed. Therefore, there is an urgent task – strengthening the foundations of mine ventilation plants in the conditions of technogenic pneumatic erosion. The princip of reinforcement of monolithic reinforced concrete foundations with the use of drilling piles, which are arranged along the perimeter of the foundation, is proposed and implemented, and together with the low rafting and reinforced concrete reinforcement is constructed a constructive system that provides transfer of load on the undamaged layers of the soil base.

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