Analysis of implementing the ISO 50001:2011 standard in aviation segment of transport economy sector


G.G. Strelkova, G.M. Agieieva

 G.G. Strelkova-1, G.M. Agieieva-2

  1. “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” National Technical University of Ukraine Institute for Energy Saving and Energy Management, 
  2. National Aviation University, Institute of Airports

To enhance energy efficiency policy of airports and to reduce their energy consumption the analysis of global experience of implementing the ISO 50001:2011 in aviation segment of transport economy sector was conducted. It was found that at the beginning of 2014, experience in implementing the standard at airports was limited and dissemination and frequency of standard implementation were different for various world economic regions. It was noted that one of the reasons of insufficient dissemination of the standard is the absence of systematization of existing experience that leads to uncertainty of trends in standard dissemination and slows down the decision-making by airport management concerning the standard’s implementation. To systematize data, the criteria and relevant to them attributes were defined and substantiated that allowed identifying the trends in disseminating the standard in the aviation sector by criteria of conformity assessment of EnMS with ISO 50001:2011 requirements, socio-economic and operational functions of airports. The prospects of implementing the standard at Ukrainian airports were considered.

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