The article highlights the value-regulative aspects of organizational culture that enhance its role in ensuring the effective activity of the company. There are characterized structural, humanistic, ideological, symbolic paradigms of organizational culture in the context of company management systems. The main attention is focused on the main areas the impact of organizational culture on enterprise activity, which is manifested through the processes, structure, system of relationships. Organizational culture belongs to the complex phenomena study which faces a number of challenges that increase the growing interest in considering it as an internal source of innovation development, organizational changes and increased competitiveness. Current realities make their own corrections in management functions, which are realized not just in a particular organization but in a cultural environment as well; therefore, all management components are integrated to organizational culture category. Four types of value-regulatory paradigms of organizational culture were formed at the crossroads of all areas of its impact: structural, humanistic, ideological and symbolic. Using them allows us to consider a variety of scenarios of organizational behavior and development of company management systems. The structural paradigm of organizational culture reflects the technological activities of the company, so it is a value and regulatory mechanism aimed at streamlining processes, clarifying coordination functions between departments, planning of all enterprise processes, providing consistency and commitment in actions and decision-making. Humanistic paradigm is developed in the context of humanistic attitudes of society and fully consistent trends of socialization and humanization of work, so the main attention is directed to the human factor and methods of harmonizing personnel relations. The ideological paradigm is different, because it represents leadership role ideologies at the enterprise. Manager plays the role of a politician who is able to regulate the contradiction between the interests of different groups of personnel and individual employees, avoiding conflict situations. Symbolic paradigm is characterized by predominance trappings of organizational culture, artifacts that are easily perceived visually and by raising cultural tradition formed in accordance with the historical aspects of the enterprise. Thus, the impact of organizational culture on the overall performance of the company consists of a combination of the above aspects of value and regulatory paradigms and trends. Overall processes, structure, and behavior form the overall performance of the company, which confirms the effective influence of organizational culture on all parameters of its operation.
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