The innovative development of enterprises and regions of Western Ukraine in the sphere
of industry is investigated in this scientific paper, taking into account theoretical approaches
and concepts of the innovation activity development.
The introduction of innovative technologies contributes to the sustainable development of
regions of Ukraine in accordance with international agreements, the economical use of their
resources, and the increase of efficiency of enterprises and organizations. The basis for
implementing the effective innovative management is the objective evaluation and analysis of
the innovative activity level of the regions on the basis of a well-established accounting of their
efficiency of innovation activities effectiveness. The article deals with the using of
mathematical, informational and computer systems for modeling and forecasting the results of
innovation activities of the regions in the sphere of industry. To improve the innovative
management, an example of using the methodology for evaluation of the innovation activity
level in the regions of Western Ukraine by using the analytic hierarchy process is given. The
conducted researches using this method allowed to reorganize the regions by quantitative
evaluation of innovation activity level and to identify those criteria, which will allow increasing
the innovation activity efficiency of regions and enterprises.
Key words: innovation development, innovation management, innovation activity,
analytic hierarchy process, innovation activity criterion, hierarchical model, vector of
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