The essence of the health resort complex is revealed in the article. Peculiarities of the
subjects of health resort activity in the context of their orientation, belonging, socio-economic
effect, influence on related areas, global role, and subordination are described.
The typology of subjects of health resort activity in the current normative-legal acts is
investigated. The difference in approaches to the selection of types of health resorts by a
number of institutions of Ukraine is described.
According to the statistical bulletin «Collective means of placement» a system of
indicators for the evaluation of the regional market of health resort services is formed. By
using the methods of cluster analysis, the regions of Ukraine are systematized and ranked
according to the development of the market of health resort services in 2016. The
disproportion and asymmetry of the regional market of health resort services are proved.
Key words: health resort activity, collective accommodation facilities, cluster analysis,
market of health resort services, specialized means of placement.
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