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Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, Department of Economic and management

Purpose. The purpose of this study is to analyze the theoretical foundations of financial sustainability management and their practical application in the field of small restaurant business, improve methodological approaches and develop recommendations for the concept of financial sustainability management to overcome existing problems in today’s conditions.

Design/methodology/approach. In the article the authors used the methods of induction, deduction, theoretical generalization to clarify the essence of financial stability from the standpoint of different authors and formulate a generalizing concept used to determine the basic principles of financial stability management, its tasks, components and the sequence of their application in the formation of the concept of managing the financial stability of a modern enterprise; observation, causation, description, specification, formalization – to analyze the problems of choosing the method on the basis of which the calculation of the main indicators of financial stability of the enterprise, as well as interpretation of the data to be used for small businesses, their calculation and the desired trend of change, the characteristics of the accounting support of this process; dialectical, modeling, generalization – to develop recommendations for improving the methodology and organization of the process of managing the financial stability of a small restaurant business.

Conclusions. It is hypothesized that improving the methodology and organization of financial sustainability management of small restaurants allows to generate quality information space and sufficient resources to ensure a high degree of financial independence and a stable financial condition in which performance will improve or not deteriorate. changes in internal and external factors. It is proposed and substantiated to implement the concept of financial stability management of the enterprise taking into account the time factor in three levels: strategic, tactical and operational. It is noted that in modern conditions entrepreneurs in the field of small business need educational and training services for financial management, in particular, their financial stability, and the most important and most accessible element of financial stability of the enterprise in the short term is its budgeting system.

Practical implications. The results of this study are of interest to small restaurant businesses that address financial sustainability management in quarantine, as quarantine and coronavirus (COVID-19) have caused large-scale economic upheaval, forcing entire businesses to adapt to new, more complex realities. In addition, the results can help identify weaknesses in marketing and finance; the most common causes of bankruptcy; internal and external factors that affect the financial stability of small restaurant business. The paper highlights the features and substantiates the main ways to overcome possible problems of managing the financial stability of small restaurant business.

Originality/value. This study contains a description of the main parameters of managing the financial stability of the enterprise in terms of management levels; reveals the characteristics of modern small restaurant business and the problems that arise in the process of managing its financial stability; contains proposals to ensure the financial stability of a small enterprise, namely, it is proposed to pay attention to three main components: the efficiency of use and increase of equity; ensuring solvency by regulating the size and structure of property and capital of the enterprise; ensuring liquidity of assets.

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