In the article, the authors analyzed the current system of standardization of Ukraine, outlined the directions of its reform and identified the prospects for improving the standardization system. According to the conducted analysis the need to take into account the new requirements of the innovative development of the country's economy and the emergence of new sectors of the economy, reducing technical barriers when entering the world markets in high technology zones was proved.
In addition to this, the authors examined the state of development of the standardization system in the oil and gas complex of Ukraine. In Ukraine, the oil and gas complex is represented by enterprises for the extraction, processing, transportation of gas and oil. The gas transportation industry operates most effectively and efficiently; the oil extraction is the least profitable area.
Due to the dynamic development of economic processes and a decrease in the level of financing for the formaulation of national standards and regulatory documents of the level of enterprises, there is a backlog in providing the oil and gas complex with regulatory documents of an international level. Another important problem for the industry remains the transparency of the conclusion of contracts and the definition of tariffs for services performed.
Based on the analysis of actual information on the existence of legal disputes between market operators and the presence of abuses on it, it was proved necessary to develop a unified methodological basis for determining the tariffs for oil storage services. Such a framework should be recognized as a normative document for use by all enterprises, organizations and structural subdivisions, which have in their composition respective tank farms and can undertake contractual storage of oil.
The establishment of tariffs for oil storage services should be transparent and provide the enterprise with tariff revenues sufficient to cover economically justified costs of oil storage; obtaining the net profit necessary for the provision of production and economic activity; payment of all taxes and obligatory payments in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.
In determining the size of the tariff for the service of storage of oil the organization should be guided by ensuring the value of the planned tariff revenues. The size of the planned tariff revenues should cover the company's total expenses for oil storage operations, payment of taxes (excluding VAT) and compulsory payments provided for by the current legislation of Ukraine and create a planned net profit corresponding to the approved rate of return. The total expenses, however, include only expenditures related to oil storage services.
The most controversial point in determining the tariff for storing oil is traditionally considered a methodological approach to justifying the planned profit of an enterprise that provides the relevant services. Organizations of the oil and gas complex of Ukraine to the value of profit include two components: an investment component, which involves compensation of investment costs and the planned rate of profitability. This definition of planned profit can be considered as a double count, which overestimates the planned profit and, accordingly, the value of the tariff for the storage of oil.
The authors carried out a comparative calculation of the oil storage tariff in accordance with the existing and proposed approach and found that oil storage charges are on the modern oil market.
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