Purpose. The purpose of this article is to consider the role of the main digital tools, their advantages, and challenges of use in the marketing management system of enterprises.
Design/methodology/approach. The research used the following general scientific methods of scientific knowledge: comparative analysis and synthesis, systematization, and theoretical and logical generalization. Scientific works and articles on the Internet of domestic and foreign scientists who study issues related to the field of digital marketing became the informational, theoretical, and methodological basis of the research. A systematic review of literary sources and scientific publications made it possible to get acquainted with existing theories, concepts, and research in the field of digital marketing. This method is used for conducting comparative analysis and synthesis to generalize information. The method of theoretical and logical generalization of the advantages and challenges of using digital tools made it possible to draw reasonable conclusions about their use in the marketing management of enterprises.
Findings. The article examines the key roles of digital tools in the modern marketing management of domestic enterprises: attracting and retaining an audience, increasing brand awareness, personalizing communication, increasing the effectiveness of advertising, measuring results, interacting with the audience, and global access. Popular digital marketing management tools are highlighted, which include a wide range of technologies, online platforms, and web services that help businesses interact with audiences, promote their products or services, and measure the effectiveness of their marketing efforts, including websites, contentmarketing, search engine optimization website, search advertising, social media, e-mail, web analytics, virtual and augmented reality technologies, chatbots, QR coding. Advantages are considered and attention is paid to the challenges associated with the use of digital tools in the marketing management system of enterprises.
Practical implications. The results of the study demonstrate the importance of adaptation of domestic enterprises to the digital environment in modern business. Digital tools have become a necessary part of marketing strategy, and understanding and using them play a critical role in achieving success. Businesses that have a proper understanding of digital marketing can help improve the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns, creating a competitive advantage in the market. It also helps to increase sales, increase profitability, and improve interaction with customers. However, using digital tools also brings challenges, including the need to keep up with rapid changes in technology and the competitive environment. Businesses must be ready to adapt and learn to remain competitive. In practical terms, the study provides enterprises with useful information and recommendations on the effective use of digital tools in marketing management. This will help enterprises to grow, develop, and successfully compete in the conditions of digitalization.
Originality/value. The article reflects a modern approach to considering digital tools in the marketing management of enterprises and takes into account the latest technological trends and changes in the Internet environment. Consideration of digital tools of marketing management of enterprises is carried out from a comprehensive approach, taking into account their role, advantages, and challenges of use in one context. This makes the article a valuable source of information for entrepreneurs and marketers looking to improve their digital marketing strategies and practices.
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