Purpose. The purpose of the article is to consider methodological approaches to building a gender sensitive community that would be a comfortable place for residents to live, in particular, to characterize the types of gender analysis and analyze its various methods that have proven themselves to be efficient abroad and are tested in Ukraine; develop an algorithm for assessing the gender impact of a local self-government progra or policy.
Design/methodology/approach. Various general scientific and special research methods are used to solve the tasks set in the work. The abstract and logical method is used for theoretical generalizations, the definition of main categories and concepts, and the formation of research conclusions. The methods of analysis and synthesis are used to characterize the concept of gender and features of gender inequality in local self-government bodies. The structural and functional method made it possible to distinguish the kinds of gender analysis in local self-government. The comparative analysis helped study different methods of gender analysis, which have proven themselves to be efficient abroad and are tested in Ukraine.
Conclusions. The kinds of gender analysis are characterized and various methods of its implementation, which have proven themselves to be efficient abroad and are tested in Ukraine, are analyzed. In particular, it is found that the most common method is the assessment of a gender impact; the indicators and main groups of indices used in the specified method are considered. The developed algorithm for assessing the gender impact of a local self-government program or policy makes it possible to systematize and comprehensively assess and reduce the presence of gender gaps with the help of such tools as gender budgeting, and a gender profile (passport) of the community. The concept of the implementation of a gender approach to local self-government is generalized.
Originality/value. Gender assessment begins with defining problems and goals, and identifying gender gaps. The identified needs and problems are assessed in the next step, whether they can be solved with the help of developed programs and practices. The proposed indicators and indices will allow determining how the developed programs affected the reduction of gender gaps. It is researched that in practice such an assessment is reduced to the analysis of gender balance/imbalance in the personnel composition of communities, the assessment of the gender sensitivity of documents (whether there are feminine gender-specific job titles, whether the documents take into account the interests of men and women, boys and girls, including vulnerable categories, etc.), the formation of a gender-sensitive space in the community.
Practical results. The materials presented in the article will be useful to local self-government bodies, public organizations, activists, and everyone interested in the issue of gender equality.
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