Experimental Investigation of the Dynamic Processes of a Static Thyristor Compensator for a Mine Load Power Supply System

: pp. 17 - 24
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

In order to improve quality of electrical energy in a 35 kV power supply network of a mining load, which feeds from busbars of district substation 330/220/110/35 kV «Novovolynska» of the Western regional electrical system, the static thyristor compensator of reactive power (STC) has been implemented. Conjoint operation of the STC and on-load voltage regulation device of a transformer of the substation allows resolving a task of comprehensive control of the whole power supply system (PSS) of the mining load. The authors have developed the structure diagram of the proportional regulator of the STC, which allows stabilizing voltage at the connection point with high level of precision, have been developed. To evaluate quality of the transitive process caused by perturbations of the operational mode parameters of the PSS of the mining load, the transfer function of the regulator of the STC has been brought out. The transfer function counts particular transfer function of all elements of it. For the taken values of a time constant of an active filter of the experimental model of the regulator, it is shown that transient process in its circuits goes asymptotically to the time constants. The experimental investigation of dynamic characteristics of the STC controlled by the designed regulator has proved that stable operation of STC is ensured for the whole range of attenuation time constant of the regulator.

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