At diagnosticating of the technical state of main pipelines (gas pipelines) violations of wholeness find out defects as, set the actual thickness of wall of pipeline, and determine to the profile of his surface. On the basis of acoustic (ultrasonic), magnetic and eddy current methods of control intellectual pistons that is used for inwardly pipe technical diagnostics are worked out. Eddy current a control method gives an opportunity to educe superficial cracks with the small opening and defects of stratification of metal of pipeline. At the eddy current method of control the primary communicating transformer of self- reactance or transformer type usually has a form of cylindrical spool with the rectangular form of transversal cut and align is located with the controlled pipe.
At control of defects, thickness of wall and physical parameters of electric conduction ferromagnetic pipes for localization of magnetic field the puttee of excitation of primary transformer it is expedient to execute in form two circular spools, align with the controlled pipe at flowing of the oppositely directed currents in them. Then for local control the measurable (secondary) puttee of primary transformer it is expedient to dispose near the internal surface of pipe between the spools of puttee of excitation so that her axis was directed on the radius of pipe to revolve such primary transformer on a circle and transfer to axial direction, or to provide for a few such measurable windings on the circle of pipe and to move a transformer only for the axes of pipe. Therefore actual is a task of calculation of initial information (tension on a measurable puttee) of communicating screened eddy current of primary transformer of the transformer type located into controlled.
Certain basic, brought in object of control and total regenerate after Laplace tension on the measurable puttee of primary internal eddy current transformer of re-entrant with the puttee ofexcitation, that consists of two meeting included circular cylindrical spools of rectangular transversal cut with the current of true-to-shape, and measurement winding, pipe located near an internal surface between the spools of puttee of excitation so that her axis was directed on the radius of pipe.
The got results it is expedient to draw on at diagnosticating of the technical state of internal surface of pipelines for determination of informing sizes and them sensitivitis to the parameters and defects of object of control to the considered clock-houses by a primary eddy current transformer with the aim of upshot of multi-parameters information.
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