The mathematical model of an electromechanical system with an asynchronous generator with rotor’s current regulation by frequency converter with an autonomous voltage inverter controlled by current controllers has been described in the article.
Asynchronous generators due to their simplicity are widely used in wind power plants. The rotor currents regulation by frequency converter allows to control the speed and power factor in the stator’s circle. In this case, the power of the frequency converter is determined by the range of slip variation and can be 25–30 % of total power of the generator.
The synthesis of the corresponding control system requires the development of a mathematical model that should take into considertion the nonlinearity of magnetic link in the asynchronous machine and the mutual interactions between components of the system. The combination of a real control system with a real-time mathematical model of the power scheme using the «hardware-in-the-loop» technology allows to test and configure the control system.
The feature of the model is the use of author’s method of an average voltage on integration step for mathematical modeling of electrical circuits. The using of this method allows the high calculation performance and stability, and, also, ensured the continuous operation of the computer model in a real time mode in combination with physical objects (as example with a physical controller). This allows it to be used to synthesize and test control systems of asynchronous generator.
The vector control system implemented in the model provides the regulation of the rotational speed of the generator and the reactive power in the stator’s circle and creates conditions for the use of the specified system, for example, for wind power plants.
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