Specifics Designing Induction Water Heater

: pp. 43 - 51
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Electromechatronics and Computerized Electromechanical Systems
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The principle of action is being considered, design and features of the design process of the electric heater of the induction type fluid, which differs from the existing devices of similar purpose with high levels of reliability and protection against electric shock, good technical and economic indicators are considered.

The research methodology has developed a technique for designing an induction water heater of the original design and to check the accuracy of these methods. The research methods used to achieve this goal combine the advantages of analytical approaches and numerical simulation. Therefore, the design calculation and analysis of technical indicators are based on classical electrical engineering and theory of electric machines AC, and the refinement of design decisions related to the course of electromagnetic processes - using the finite element method.

The design algorithm developed includes a design synthesis step and a mathematical model for the calculation of dynamic electromagnetic processes in a heater. It takes into account the two- dimensional spatial distribution of the magnetic field, the saturation of the magnetic circuit and the loss from eddy currents in it, the effect of displacement of current in the heating element. This model is based on the Maxwell equations in a quasi-stationary approximation, and also contains a series of correlations that relate circular (integral) and field (distributed) indices. It can be attributed to the class of circle-field or combined models.

The article describes the design and an example of calculating an induction water heater with a power of 4.8 kW, the efficiency of which exceeds 95 %. The results of the calculation of the nominal values of this heater obtained using analytical methods and FEM analysis are compared.

The conducted researches give the right to state that the application of the proposed design methodology guarantees the compliance of the project with the requirements of the technical specification and will not require the implementation of costly stages of the manufacture of physical models and their experimental testing.

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