“Green” tariff — a special price at which electricity produced from renewable energy sources — hydroelectric power plants, photovoltaic, wind turbines is purchased. Businesses and households that produce electricity at a “green” tariff sell it on the market much more expensively than traditional producers of thermal or nuclear energy. The paper analyzes the legislation and regulations on “green” tariff in Ukraine and the problems of their implementation. In particular, attention is paid to the use of solar power plants (SPP) in individual households. Based on the electronic information database of hourly regional meteorological data in Lviv generated in Microsoft Excel, the calculation of the average monthly hourly inflow of specific power of total solar radiation, which falls on stationary and optimally oriented photovoltaic panels, was conducted, and the power at their output was determined. Based on the results of the analysis of information from various sources, the dynamics of the costs of the main components for individual SPP was determined, as well as the analysis of the dynamics and forecast of the electricity tariff for the population in Ukraine were conducted. Based on the analysis of situation on the energy market of Ukraine, two possible scenarios of the dynamics of the “green” tariff for electricity generated in individual farms from solar energy are considered — optimistic and pessimistic. For each of these scenarios, based on the developed methodology, for SPP with a capacity of 30 kW, installed in 2015 and 2021 in the studied typical version of household, their economic efficiency and payback period were determined. Studies have shown that the payback period of SPP is most affected by the year of its installation: SPP that are installed later have a much shorter payback period, which is associated with a sharp decline in the cost of photovoltaic panels. The considered variants of scenarios of dynamics of “green” tariff have shown that under the optimistic scenario it is possible to receive on 30–40 % more profit from operation of SPP in comparison with the pessimistic scenario, irrespective of year of SPP installation.
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