Features check relay directing power series rbm using digital systems testing


P.M. Baran, V.P. Kidyba, Y.D. Pryshlyak, M.I. Dembitskiy, V.M. Shmahala

When you set up a routine check and certain complex relays, such as relay of the direction of power of the RBM series, difficulties with test performance of electromechanical relays using traditional analog technical means of verification. For configuration and verification of relay protection and automation ( RPA ) performed both analog and digital on the principle of recently used special test system implemented on a digital basis. These devices allow you to quickly and efficiently perform set-up and verification of complex sets of relay devices and certain complex relay. In Ukraine, the most widely used devices found domestic production “Rele-tester” and “RPA-tester”. Principles of formation of the verification module type power relay direction RBM , made its digital implementation as a separate subsystem specific software digital system testing. Application Module check the power switch direction allows you to check and get its main electrical characteristics: - Self-propelled by the current; - Self-propelled voltage ; - Coverage ; - Sensitivity ; - The response time ; - Return time ; - Reset inverse power; - The dependence of power on voltage angle changes permanent current; - The dependence of the power of changing the angle of current with constant voltage; - Voltage dependence of current change at the maximum angle sensitivity. The developed module allows you to check the power direction relay series by BSR range of checks in respect of such relays. During experiments to verify the characteristics of the relay is automatically generated test protocol , which is recorded in the archives of the protocols. The possibility of forming a library of objects check relay series RBM , allowing you to use them to check the same and similar relays at other sites of power systems.

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