The nature of latin american regionalism in the context of regional security issues

: pp. 1-8
Received: March 10, 2016
Accepted: June 22, 2016

Tetyana Bessarab

Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article investigates the phenomenon of regionalism on the Latin American continent in context of regional security. It analyzes causes, stages and features of origination of integration associations in Latin America, and nature of their operation. The author notes that Latin American integration experience which has managed to develop mechanisms for encountering external forces will be very useful for Ukrainian politicians who think seriously about how to put into practice the idea of the European Union. Latin American regionalization process falls within 1980-1999 and is caused by the first appearance of integration associations on the continent, transformation of political regimes, foundation of democracy, and economic freedom from the USA. The article reveals that regional integration associations such as MERCOSUR, UNASUR, ECLAC in their activities adhere to certain principles: anti-American movement which manifests itself in the political and economic counteraction of Latin America in the form of MERCOSUR, UNASUR, ECLAC; the policy of “developmentalism” which is meant to harmoniously combine liberal principles of integration and leftist sentiments of all MERCOSUR member-states; growing role of Brazil and Venezuela as powerful political actors on international arena and key members and ideological inspirers of Latin American societies which, having large reserves of natural resources, feel free to change areas of cooperation, for instance with China, thereby transform political color of the continent. Based on cooperation between Venezuela and China, revival of the EU-MERCOSUR relations, and gradual loosening of ties with NAFTA, we can state that the whole Latin American continent has radically changed its to some extent ideological anti-American, domestic and foreign policy, and is forming its own regional system of security.

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