This paper dwells on political and economic consequences of rigid economy policy in Spain. It is found that social and political conditions experienced by Spain since 2008 onwards created favorable conditions for the emergence of new political parties. The “Podemos” party ("We can")emerged from the 15-M protest movemenе (the Indignados movement). On 11 March 2014, the “Podemos” party was officially registered as a political party and the following May it made an electoral break through obtaining 5 deputy’s mandates in the European Parliament. In December 2015 during the general election in Spain, “Podemos” won about 20 % of votes. This general election marked the end of a two-party system which had existed in Spain since restoration and consolidation of democracy. The new party presents itself as a party of popular classes, placing itself in opposition to the two-party system of the PP (People’s Party) and the PSOE (Socialist Party). For thirty years, these parties had been dominating on the Spanish electoral scene and accounted for 80 % of votes. The “Podemos” party entered the national arena for the first time. The emergence of it in the political arena of the state has forced big parties to respond to the grave problems presented not only by the economy but also by the political, social and institutional systems. The party proposes changes to Constitution of Spain of 1978 and guarantees the proper functioning of the legal system; implementing a fair electoral system; recognising plurinational character of the state.
In this paper, the author shows the positions of the “Podemos” party regarding key political-economic and social
issues. The program of the party has a strong redistributive content and advocates the drastic increase in the economic role of the state.
In this article, the author tries to trace the main political and social processes that have led to emergence and success of the “Podemos”. The paper describes the foundation of the party and examines characteristics of its voters, and shows that the latter have predominantly leftist origins and orientations.
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