Institutional development, problematic issues and prospects of the modern diplomatic and consular services of Spain in the 21st century are analyzed in this paper. The internal democratization of Spanish diplomacy is seen as a part of process of modernization and rapprochement to Europe. The entry of Spain into the EU has refocused organizational and conceptual structures of Spanish foreign policy. Decentralization of parliamentary monarchy brought about creation of seventeen autonomous regions, many of which began deploying their own paradiplomatic activity abroad outside control of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The first phase of the reform was informing in order to identify the key problems of National Foreign Service. The reform, which began in 2005 and culminated in 2014, attempted to adapt the Spanish Foreign Service to changes and challenges of the international society.
Economic diplomacy has become a central element of diplomacy and an essential part of competence of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of parliamentary monarchy in the field of foreign policy. At the end of 2012, Spain had 118 embassies, consulates, and 94,182 trade missions. Today Spain has 127 embassies abroad, further 90 consulates general, and 96 consular sections based in embassies, 98 economic and trade offices, 27 business centers, and 33 tourism offices. The Spanish External Action and Service Law of 25 March 2014 is discussed in the article. It is found that the new legislation filled legal vacuum in the field of Spanish foreign policy regulation. The Spanish foreign policy coordinated with the EU and its new European External Action Service with greater coherence.
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