Energy Security of EU and the Baltic States in the Context of Polyhybression of the Russian Federation's Foreign Policy (Research Article)

: 1-6
Received: February 10, 2020
Accepted: March 27, 2020
Lviv National Polytechnic University
Lviv National Polytechnic University

The article analyzes the energy security of the Baltic States (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) in the context of polyhybression of the Russian Federation, which acts against them multifrontally by means of hybrid methods, mainly by energy leverage. It is noted that the countries of the region are currently energy dependent on the Russian Federation. Attention is focused on the resistance of the Baltic States to official Moscow's hybression in the energy sector. It is ascertained that the construction of the "Nord stream-2" pipeline is imposing a threat to energy security not only of the Baltic States, Ukraine , but to the entire European Union, because it is not only a business project in the coordinate system; it contains a military component, which absolutely fits into the technology of the Russian Federation’s polyhybression – multifrontal, multi-dimensional hybrid type aggression that Russia conducts against Ukraine and the West, using, among other things, non-military instruments. It is about the so-called "weaponization" of the Russian Federation’s energy policy. The Polish project “Northern Gate”, which provides the possibility of withdrawing Norwegian gas to the Central Europe, as well as the “BEMIP”,”GIPL”, “Balticconnector”, “North-South Gas Corridor” projects, is promising for the energy security of the Baltic States. It is concluded that due to the implementation of new projects, the Baltic States partially get rid of energy dependence from Russia, meet the key goals of “The EU Energy Strategy” dedicated to diversification of energy supply routes, and in the future, if there is a common principled position of the three countries: Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, they can become a powerful regional gas hub on the European continent.

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