The Gaia Hypothesis in the Context of Global Challenges of Modernity (Review article)

: 39-45
Received: March 14, 2021
Accepted: April 20, 2021
Lviv National Agrarian University

The essential break in the connection between a human and nature, crisis situations and terrible cataclysms, loneliness, awareness of fragility of one's own being, which an individual face in his everyday life, actualize the rethinking of a human's place in the world. Consequently, the interpretation of our planet as a universal living system that maintains balance and independently regulates processes, designed to provide the most optimal living conditions for all species, is gaining considerable popularity today. In addition to analyzing this issue, the purpose of the article is also to consider the processes of changing the human's consumerist attitude to nature.

In the paper, the author uses a comparative-critical method, which made it possible to compare various approaches to the interpretation of Gaia and the processes that occur on our planet. The methodological basis of the article also includes general scientific methods, which allowed making an assumption that Gaia, controlling not only biological, but also mental processes, is able to spread certain ideas among living beings.

In general, the article analyzes the sphere of the cultural industry, in which we are able to find artistic reflections of environmentally oriented sentiments and theories, aimed at interpreting the planet as a living organism. The results of scientific research that argue for the presence of consciousness and communication methods in living organisms (and not only human ones) are considered. In this context presented the analysis of the research, according to which a person cannot be recognized as an individual, closed, absolutely complete system. Instead, arguments are outlined in favor of defining human as a holobiont – a system of diverse organisms that constantly interact with each other.

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