Method of data dedublication and distribution in cloud warehouses during data backup

: pp. 1 - 12
Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine
Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the NAS Ukraine
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Information Systems and Networks Department; Osnabrück University, Institute of Computer Science
Information Systems and Networks Department, Lviv Polytechnic National University

An intellectual system of data deduplication and distribution in cloud storage facilities was developed. The resulting software has a user-friendly interface that allows you to backup and restore data. An analytical review of the methodological principles of the research is carried out, existing approaches to data backup with the use of data deduplication and distribution in cloud storage were analyzed, their advantages and disadvantages are highlighted. The advantages and disadvantages of modern data deduplication technologies are considered in detail. This analysis has proved the efficiency of the design and implementation of the intellectual systemof data deduplication and distribution in cloud storage. A systematic analysis of the subject domain is performed. The purpose of functioning and development of the system, purpose and place of functioning of the system is formulated, the expected effects from the introduction of the software product are determined. A conceptual model of the system has been developed and described in detail. The detailed diagrams of precedents, states of transitions, sequences, components and classes are given, which together allowed to determine the system’s behavior, to define and formulate the necessary business processes. It was analyzed (the disadvantages and advantages of using different approaches are given) and the effective methods of solving problems are selected: hybrid deduplication at the block level, data splitting on the basis of Rabin’s digital imprint, data distribution based on the hash values of the duplication units, and the use of the distributed index. During the analysis of task solutions, the Rust programming language for writing a client part, Scala programming language for the server part, Akka for distributed computing management and Amazon S3 as cloud storage are selected. The intellectual system of deduplication and distribution of data in cloud storage is developed, the software description is described, the steps for the user’s operation are considered. The testing of the work of the designed system is carried out and several control samples were given, the results are analyzed.

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