The article examines the historical stages of formation, elaborates the current state and value-content support of radio initiatives of Ukrainian emigration using the example of the radio program "Ukrainian Time" (Montreal, Canada). Unique data from the first person was obtained during direct communication with the producer of the media initiative with more than thirty years of work experience, an active figure in the Ukrainian community S. Kuklevsky.
The chronology of the continuous existence of the radio program from its foundation in 1963 by I. Oparyk and V. Gladun is traced; a meaningful contribution to its development by two generations of a creative team of talented authors headed by the current producer S. Kuklevsky. The names of the media activists involved in the creation of the radio program were included in the scientific media discourse: O. Onyshchenko, O. Shak (hosts), L. Gavrylov (information sector), N. Fedoseeva (journalist), priests of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Fr. I. Oschipko and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Fr. I. Kutash, producer S. Kuklevsky.
The orientation of its authors to the implementation of convergent tools of modern radio broadcasting is characterized, in particular, the broadcast of issues on the channel of the same name on "Youtube" and information support and a page on the social network "Facebook".
The high role and importance of the radio program as an integrator of the community around national values and the Ukrainian cause and the belief that only a powerful united community can have a successful, high-quality, long-term representation in the media space are determined. And in order to make the community like this, you need to be included in its life, it is not necessary to organize event attractions, but to join them, listen to programs, speak Ukrainian with children, sing our songs.
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