The article considers the process of development of Luhansk regional television since the beginning of the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine in 2014. This period is characterized by physical occupation of Luhansk and Donetsk regions, annexation of the Republic of Crimea, aggressive hostilities under the guise of illegal armed groups. , economic and advocacy activities. The analysis of the functioning of the broadcasting system in Luhansk region showed that the transformation of the regional information field and mass information activities were significantly influenced by the accompanying military aggression - hybrid and information war. Russia's aggression against Ukraine has changed the constant mass communication activities of local, regional and national media. In May 2014, TV companies in Luhansk and Donetsk regions were seized by pro-Russian militants and later "nationalized" by the terrorist groups «LNR» and «DNR». The physical occupation of part of the territory of Luhansk (ORLO - occupied districts of Luhansk region) and Donetsk (occupied districts of Donetsk region (ORDO)) regions led to the rapid annexation of part of the information space to saturate it with Russian propaganda and local separatist television channels. At the same time, a Russian propaganda model of speech was introduced in ORDLO. Instead, the revived in evacuation channels of Ukrainian regional television (IRTA, LOT (and its successor UA:Donbass) improved the technical base of TV studios, used the latest technologies, changed the quality of content, which became intelligent, diverse, focused, including audience territories and is based on Ukraine-centric positions.
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