The material explores the specifics of coverage of materials in the internet media "". This question is relevant because journalists need to know how modern media prepare their materials, what topics they choose to cover. It should be noted that the internet media "" has a distribution of sections by cities of Ukraine (by city names) and by coverage (sports, medicine, etc.). All materials are presented by journalists at a high professional level, they choose relevant topics for coverage. Some journalists like to repeat the titles of columns, take them from other publications. A good example of the great variety of headings is Internet media "". Each heading interestingly covers the information. The internet media "" consists of such heading: “Lviv”, “Ivano-Frankivs’k”, “Ternopil”, “Volyn’”, “Zakarpattia”, “Chernivtsi”, “Rivne”, "Economy", "Real Estate", "Auto", "Home", "Curiosities", "Leisure" and more. Headings with city names cover current information about each city. Other sections contain information on very different topics, such as life, politics, government, etc. The good example of journalists materials is an article named - "Ukrzaliznytsia has appointed a high-speed train from Kyiv to Ternopil", in which journalists said that "Ukrzaliznytsia" has appointed a branded high-speed train of the "Intercity" category on the Kyiv-Ternopil route. They also noticed that it will leave Kyiv on July 2 and Ternopil on July 3. According to the press service of Ukrzaliznytsia, the train will depart from Kyiv daily at 4:41 p.m. and arrive in Ternopil at 10:47 p.m. It will also return daily at 4:00 and arrive in Kyiv at 10:03. The train will stop in Kozyatyn, Vinnytsia region, Vinnytsia, Khmelnytskyi and Volochysk, Khmelnytskyi region. In total, the train will run from Kyiv to Ternopil and on the way back in six hours. Another good example of journalists of "" work is an article named - “Logistics during the war” in which journalists write that with the beginning of hostilities, Ukraine had to face the russian regular army. Open confrontation with Russia has become a serious challenge for country, which requires the overall consolidation and optimization of all social processes. And one of the most important points to pay attention to is the reformatting of logistics. The beginning of hostilities did not come as a complete surprise to Ukrainians and the Ukrainian authorities. It is impossible to say that everything is bad in the supply of troops and the population, but there are problems, and they are quite serious. Journalists add that - to solve them ( problems), is need not only to receive military equipment, humanitarian and financial assistance, but also to build the economy for military needs and use strengths, including a strong volunteer movement and the experience of successful business structures. Optimization of logistics is the second problem after the conduct of hostilities, which is vital for the survival of our state. So journalists-publications cover the Internet data, for information select good pictures and present materials concisely and professionally. Especially high quality and at a high professional level, journalists provide information about the war in Ukraine.
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