Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Printed media text is a form of written speech, but it often contains the fragments of direct oral communication, reproduced by written means.  It may be the dialogue between a journalist and an expert or a publication hero, a commentary, a professional discussion, etc. Part of the information in oral speech may be non-verbalized, it may be transmitted by tone, rate of voice, intonation, gestures, facial expressions, the speaker's position, etc. Printed media text, embodied in newspapers, magazines and online publications, is characterized by the separation from the speaker in time and space; it can cause the difficulties in decoding information.It is important for journalists of printed and online media to recognize the differences between oral and written speech and to look for ways for the best transfer of verbal and non-verbal information.

The author investigates the possibilities of direct speech in reproduction of oral speech in the printed media text. It is important for the author of printed media not only to create the most favorable conditions for communication with the recipient, but also to involve the recipient in a conversation between the journalist and the hero that preceded the publication, to stimulate the active communicative position of the recipient;  it is possible to  talk about  dialogue communication between the author, the hero of journalistic material and audienceThe direct speech and accompanying it the author’s words  approximate the recipient of the text to the situation of oral communication. Direct speech reproduces the content of the message; reflects the character of the speaker, the lexical and syntactic features of speech, which testify to his emotional state, the specifics of his thinking.  The author’s words can ascertain the fact of speech; mark replica as a question or answer, beginning, extension or addition of a conversation;   designate the broader communicative purpose of speech; specify the way for entering replica in the dialog; describe emotion, facial expressions or gestures, speech mode, tone and volume of voice; describe the speaker's actions; submit an assessment of the content of the message. The direct speech makes the printed media text alive, dynamic, and polyphonic.

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