Administrative and legal regulation of the behavior of individual categories of persons in social networks

: 173-179

Skochylias-Pavliv O., Zmysla M.
"Administrative and legal regulation of the behavior of individual
categories of persons in social networks"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education
student Educational-Scientific Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education, Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article analyzes the state of legal regulation of information placement on social networks by public officials. It is noted that social networks have become the standard channel of social communication between people. Public officials use social networks as one of the most powerful tools in communication with citizens and among themselves, as well as a platform for discussing important socio-political issues and discussions. This situation requires proper legal regulation of the behavior of the relevant persons on social networks. However, the legislation of Ukraine in this area is only developing and does not sufficiently regulate all aspects of the use of social networks, including public officials. At the same time, the judicial practice of Ukraine is rich in various cases related to holding public servants accountable by formulating and expressing their views on social networks. If the rules of conduct of judges, lawyers in social networks are regulated in the relevant acts (Code of Judicial Ethics, Rules of Attorney Ethics), then the behavior of officials of the executive power on the Internet is not regulated at the legislative level. Therefore, it is emphasized that the state should develop an effective policy aimed at creating security in the information environment, which would determine the legal and ethical issues arising from the use of social networks by public officials. Social networks are also a tool for their users to showcase their social connections. That is why it would be worthwhile to formulate a single legal approach to defining the concept of “friendship” in social networks, since in practice there are doubts about the understanding of the term “friendship” between participants in the trial, which sometimesserves as a ground for withdrawala judge.

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