The article focuses on the peculiarities of new media in modern conditions of society development. The essence and mechanisms of interaction between the mass media and society are revealed through the prism as subject-subject and subject-subject relations.New media not only affect public opinion, but also have to focus on demand, which comes from the bottom – to take into account and support the views and interests of the modern audience.They are finding it increasingly difficult to create political myths, manipulate the consciousness of citizens / voters.At the same time, it is necessary to be as prompt as possible: the information function here comes to the fore.The Internet, online reality is the main platform for obtaining information and self-affirmation for the overwhelming majority of modern society (from adolescents to the middle generation).Today, it is in the virtual space that a new personality is being formed, including a political one.Being represented in this virtual world is the main task of any media that wants to be popular, or even stay afloat.This state of affairs – the mutual influence of the media and the audience – would seem to lead to the development of a modern society in the direction of achieving maximum justice, adherence to social equality.But, as practice shows, many of the latest scientific researches in the humanitarian sphere are also stated – there is more and more social inequality in the world, which in many respects can be observed in the countries of developed democracy.As a result, we can observe a paradoxical, at first glance, situation: easily obtained operational and maximally objective information in a modern society, ultimately, creates an unconscious population that mainly demonstrates narrow economic and consumer interests.
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