Syncretism of Medialinguistic Researches of Professor Olexandra Serbenska

: 192-198
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article is related to researches on modern Ukrainian media linguistics personology. Its subject is syncretism as a combination of linguistic divisions, divisions of media linguistic works of professor of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, academician of Academy of High school of Ukraine, honored Professor Olexandra Serbenska.

The scientific articles and reports of the researcher on Ukrainian-language media- linguistics over 60 years from 1958 to 2019 have been researched and analyzed. It has been found out that the dominant of media-linguistic works of Professor Olexandra Serbenska carry the state-creational, cultural, communicative and normative functions of the Ukrainian language of modern mass media.

The works on the Ukrainian language of the mass media by Professor Olexandra Serbenska confirm that Ukrainian media-linguistics has its own history related to the history of the Ukrainian press, ancient traditions of upholding the norms of the Ukrainian language, a complex structure which combines traditional, new sections and divisions of Ukrainian linguistics. It is confirmed that the media-linguistic works of Professor Olexandra Serbenska cover the interdisciplinary sciences of linguistics and have several subjects of cognition.

Syncretism combination of different sections and chapters of linguistics in the study of Ukrainian medialinguistics Professor Olexandra Serbenska gives reason to name the formation of linguistic areas: social linguistics of media, cognitive media lingustics, media linguistic stylistics, media linguistic semiotics, media linguistics terminology, ecology of media linguistics, pedagogic media linguistics, media linguistics psychology, history of media linguistics, theory of media linguistics, methodology of media linguistics which confirms academic breadth, supremacy in syncretic approaches in Ukrainian media linguistics, scientific novelty, multidimensionality of subjects, objects of research from Ukrainian media-linguistic professor Olexandra Serbenska.

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