The paper describes the best practices in urban logistics of the EU cities in the transportation of people and goods The mentioned best practices are classified on the basis of their implementation costs. Key milestones of the EU research projects in logistics and supply chain management are presented, including urban logistics, global supply network coordination and collaboration, corridors, hubs and synchromodality, sustainable, safe and secure supply chains, information systems for interconnected logistics. Appropriate urban logistics solutions for Ukrainian cities are proposed which include measures for urban freight transport and urban mobility, as well as recomendations for local administrations. Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans and Sustainable Urban Logistics Plans must be developed for Ukrainian cities using recommendations and best practices. Infrastructure,legislative, planning, f inancial and “soft” instruments must be used for mobility managenment and urban logistics management. Urban Consoladation Centers are regarded as a good decision for many cities but can`t be organized in Ukrainian cities nowadays.
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