Were considered existent types of diffusion of results of innovative activity, including the kind of diffuser and the type of diffusion model. Classification of diffusion of results of innovative activity expanded views on classification features as an object, level and geographic coverage. Each of the kinds named, described and justified from the standpoint of possibility or necessity of his selection. Constructed scale estimation of a level diffusion of results of innovative activity of enterprise. Highlight of the diffuser and its characteristics from the standpoint of innovation activity and their appetite for risk. To ensure the rational management of diffusion of results of innovative activity of enterprises, it is necessary to identify and systematize kinds of diffusion. This need caused by the necessity get the most complete and specific information about objects diffusion, especiallythe stages of development of the phenomenon of diffusion. From the level of awareness diffusers depends rationality endorse their decisions, including the choice of strategy and tactics diffusion of results of innovative activity of enterprise and of operative interference in distribution of diffusion’s objects on the market. As for the classification of diffusion of innovations, it is investigated in a small number of studies. So the problem is not sufficiently disclosed and requires further study. The study aims is to develop a classification of diffusion of results of innovative activity enterprises.
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