Methodological conditions of the analysis and evaluation of engineering managers’ competence


Oleksiv I.B., Mykhailyak H.V.

The article considers the approaches of national and foreign scientists on analyzing and evaluating of engineering managers’ competence. Investigated the basic components of management competencies domestic machine-building enterprises, namely knowledge, abilities, skills and personal characteristics. The essence of an effective system of analyzing and evaluating managerial competencies of employees. Indicated that the dynamic development of machine-building enterprises require a clear assessment of competence management tools. Established that the primary purpose of assessing competencies of managers of enterprises are receiving not only an objective analysis of the efficacy of existing knowledge, abilities, skills and personal characteristics while performing their duties, but also compliance with professional qualification level position. Investigated that the development of competence management engineering companies usually leads to changes in the economic performance of the enterprise and decision making. Accordingly, proposed the methodical provision of analyzing and evaluating management competencies that will enable managers and other stakeholders to establish the existing level of competency management engineering companies. Thus, it was found that for analyzing and evaluating competencies of managers and their impact on the financial and economic activities in the enterprise appropriate to comply with the provisions of the proposed methodology that will improve their level.