Primary account reserves on enterprises


Demska Y. V., Pylypenko L. M.

With a help of analysis was noticed that documentation of the transactions with the
provisions of enterprises is imperfect. In practice, businesses are experiencing problems related to
the lack of regulatory documents, which are necessary for the creation and use of specific reserves.
The main source documents for accounting reserve is an accounting statement and calculations
accounting. These documents are drawn up in any form and may not be adapted to the
information needs of users. These primary documents can also cause doubt in recognition of the
legality of costs upon the establishment of such reserves, because regulatory agencies require clear
documentation of the formation of each type of reserve. Therefore, accountants often have
problems in fact creating reserves, because the lack of standardized forms of documents that
regulate every kind of reserve does not allow in legitimate way include them to the costs and
feasibility of their formation is questionable.
Comparing the tax accounting of reserves with their accounting we can conclude that the
creation and reflection in accounting of almost all provided by law reserves are not stimulated by
tax legislation. This determines the refusal of enterprises to form reserves and to reflect themin the
accounting reports. Therefore, users of accounting reports receive false information about the
It was found that the process of documentation of reserves covers at least three: the decision
on the formation the reserve, the implementation of the decision on creation the reserve, using the
data in the accounting system. It was established that the documentation of reserves covers two
aspects – economic and legal. It was determined that the design of new primary documents of
accounting the reserves should take into account their (reserves) classification.