The article analyzes the impact of emotional burnout on the development of modern enterprises in the context of expanding international economic relations. Information on the main causes of emotional burnout in staff is given, namely: excessive workload, work involving prolonged interaction with people, imbalance between personal and professional life, lack of proper recreation, inability of employees to organize their time (the lack of time-management skills), inflated requirements for themselves, lack of appropriate remuneration from the employer organization and employee motivation. The categories of professions whose representatives are most prone to emotional burnout are identified. Data on the most common signs of emotional burnout of staff are presented.
The consequences of ignoring the psycho-emotional state of employees of the enterprise on the results of work are also generalized. Information on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the emotional state of the personnel of enterprises in various industries is presented (special attention is paid to the impact of the emotional burnout syndrome on medical and educational workers). The problem of quantitative measurement of the emotional burnout syndrome is raised, information on the emotional burnout syndrome is presented, which is the result of a survey of 1,029 US residents in 2017. Information on phenomena similar to the emotional burnout syndrome (depression and stress) is given. There are two approaches to the selection of stages of emotional burnout — the approach of J. Greenberg, who identifies five stages of emotional burnout, and V. Boyko, who identifies three stages. In addition, methods of elimination of emotional burnout and prevention measures are summarized, recommendations for employees of the enterprise and for management on combating this phenomenon are given.
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