Global trends in the development of the wheat and corn market and the determination of Ukraine’s place in it

: pp. 414 - 426
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

The article examines global trends in the production and export of wheat and corn. Trends that are formed in the world grain market strongly depend on a number of factors, the most important of which are: the sustainable economic development of the country as a whole, in particular the level of development of the agrarian sector of the economy, geopolitical (conflicts in the political arena, wars), demographic (rapid growth of the population in world) changes in the world.

The main factors affecting the yield of agricultural crops and the size of the harvested crop were analyzed. The most significant among them are: the number of cultivated areas, yield per hectare, weather and climatic conditions, amount of precipitation, technical equipment of producers, production methods, seed materials, etc.

The top wheat and corn producing countries in the world have been determined. The indicators that characterize the world grain market and affect the size of the harvested crop are analyzed, among them the most significant are: the world production and export of wheat and corn, the number of sown areas, yield per hectare.

Information on changes in futures prices for grain crops formed on the leading international commodity exchanges: Chicago (ZWZ2), New York (NYMEX), European Euronext (EBMZ2) and the Black Sea was studied. The main problems of the development of the Ukrainian grain market today have been identified and directions for solving them and increasing the export of wheat and corn have been outlined. Outlined state of the world grain market for 2022/2023 MR.

The market of wheat and corn in Ukraine was analyzed, the main obstacles and problems of grain export from Ukraine today were determined, directions for their solution were outlined.

In order to solve the existing problems on the Ukrainian market, it is necessary: to establish the export of grain crops by rail to European ports and continue its transportation to end consumers, to build grain terminals on the borders with the countries of the European Union (Poland and Romania) to increase cargo flows, simplify the logistics process, and enable the transition to futures trade, which will expand the financial capabilities of our producers. In order to ensure the storage of wheat and corn, it is advisable to use all available warehouses in the country and any other possible options for high- quality storage without losing the properties of the product, in particular, big bags, special bags, polyethylene sleeves, underground elevators, tent storages, etc.

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