
Peculiarities of Nanomodified Portland Systems Structure Formation

Regulation of hydration processes on nanostructure scale due to the competition adsorption modifying of hydration products by polycarboxylate and adding of nanosized C-S-H nuclei allows promoting homogeneous distribution of solid phase in the structure of cement paste on the micro- and nanolevel, provides the growth of contact amount between hydrates, results rapid structure formation and strength synthesis of Portland cement system.


The development of the technology of new binders and concrete involves the following stages: the selection and preparation of materials, designing the composition in accordance with requirements, preparation of the mixture and the formation of products, initial curing and setting, further hardening. All these stages are united in a single complex, in which each stage has its own special significance and simultaneously affects the efficiency of the entire technological complex.

Особливості використання негашеного вапна у будівельних композитах

The trends of efficient use of quicklime are shown. The methods of decrease hydration activity of CaO are considered. The processes of structure formation binders that contain high amount of ground quicklime are investigated.

The role of Gypsum in Portlandite Stone Structure Formation

The hydration of calcium oxide has been examined in the presence of SO42-. The conditions, under which portlandite stone with the best physico-mechanical properties was formed, have been determined. The hardening conditions affect the phase composition and microstructure of portlandite stone with a bihydrated gypsum. The mechanism of CaO hardening has been determined in the presence of SO42- ions