carbon nanotubes

Haar wavelet collocation method for solving boundary layer flow and heat transfer over a moving plate in a carbon nanotubes with MHD effect

This study aims to explore the consideration of boundary layer flow and heat transfer over a moving plate with the presence of the magneto-hydrodynamics at the surface in carbon nanotubes.  The mathematical model for the boundary layer flow problem is obtained and solved using numerical techniques based on Haar wavelet collocation.  The types of nanoparticles used in this research were single-walled carbon nanotubes and multi-walled carbon nanotubes with water and kerosene that were used as base fluid.  The partial differential equations are transformed into nonlinearly


This article is devoted to the study of the carbon dioxide adsorption process. The relevance of using carbon nanotubes for adsorbing carbon dioxide from industrial emissions is that carbon nanotubes have a high surface area and can effectively interact with carbon dioxide molecules. In addition, they have high mechanical strength and chemical resistance, which makes them attractive for industrial use. Carbon nanotubes have the potential to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and reduce the negative impact on the environment.

Impact of As-Prepared and Purifıed Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubeson the Liquid-Phase Aerobic Oxidatıon of Hydrocarbons

The article presents simple kinetic approaches to study the effect of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) additives on the aerobic oxidation of hydrocarbons and to propose real acceptable mechanisms of the process. The aerobic liquid phase low-temperature oxidation of ethylbenzene conducted in the presence of multi-walled carbon nanotubes has been used as a model pattern. Kinetic analysis established the catalytic action associated with the presence of the iron compounds in inner channels of MWCNTs.

Polymer nanocomposite films embedded carbon nanotubes

The conductive nanocomposite films on the basis of reactionary copolymers with embedded carbon nanotubes were received. The percolation threshold of obtained nanocomposites was determined and it was shown that its value depends on the size of specific surface of nanotubes, composition and conditions of composite obtaining. Одержано струмопровідні нанокомпозитні плівки на основі реакційноздатних кополімерів з вбудованими вуглецевими нанотрубками.

Нанокомпозитні плівки з комбінованим наповненням вуглецевими нанотрубками та нанокристалами CuS

Одержано тонкі струмопровідні нанокомпозитні плівки на основі реакційно-
здатних кополімерів з комбінованим наповненням вуглецевими нанотрубками та
синтезованими in situ нанокристалами CuS. Досліджено струмопровідні та оптичні
властивості одержаних нанокомпозитів. Оптичні спектри нанокомпозитних плівок у
видимій та близькій ультрафіолетовій області підтверджують формування нано-
кристалів CuS в полімерній матриці. Результати свідчать, що у випадку наповнювачів з
однаковим типом провідності (p-провідність) спостерігається їх синергетичний вплив

The Ultrasound Processing Influence on Carbon Nanotubes Structure in Polymer Nanocomposites

It has been shown that two types of nanofiller aggregation processes are realized during polymer/carbon nanotubes nanocomposites production: formation of nanotubes ropes and their bending. The first one from the indicated processes is realized at carbon nanotubes contents larger than the percolation threshold. The ultrasound affects only carbon nanotubes aggregation of the second type.

Structure Formation Synergetics and Properties of Polypropylene/Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites

It has been shown that aggregation (tangled coils formation) of carbon nanotubes begins at their very small contents. This factor strongly reduces reinforcement degree of polymer/carbon nanotube nanocomposites. Estimation of the main parameters that influenced elasticity modulus of the mentioned nanocomposites was fulfilled. Theoretical calculations showed high potential of nanocomposites filled with nanotubes.

Advancement in Applicability of Carbon Nanotubes in Progressive Fuel Cells

Energy conservation is an important issue in a world that is still largely dependent on non-renewable energy resources. Despite the growing awareness about the advantages of renewable resources, fossil fuels in the form of coal and petroleum dominate the energy consumption scenario. The primary reason for this situation is the greater commercial viability of fossil fuels. Fuel cells are an important, environment friendly means of utilizing the energy stored in hydrogen. It is however, essential to strive towards making them more economical for commercial use.

Antioxidant traits of some nanocarbon moieties integrated in polymer materials (a Review)

This review briefly gives the status of worldwide researches in the aspect of an impact of incorporated fullerenes and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) on durability of different polymeric composites under stressful harsh therm-oxidative conditions. It has been inferred that among various nanoparticulates, fullerenes and CNTs are preferable to be used for enhancing thermal and mechanical properties of polymers.