Synthesis, Structure and Electrophysical Properties of Fluoride-Conducting Phases Вa1-XLaXSnF4+X
It has been determined that the concentration interval for the existence of solid solutions of heterovalent substitution $\mathrm{Ba}_{1-\mathrm{x}} \mathrm{La}_{\mathrm{x}} \mathrm{SnF}_{4+\mathrm{x}}$, which are formed by the partial replacement of barium cations with lanthanum cations in the $\mathrm{BaSnF}_4$ compound, is $0.0<x \leq 0.12$. The obtained phases are isostructural $\mathrm{BaSnF}_4$, have a crystal lattice of tetragonal syngony, corresponding to the $\mathrm{P} 4 / \mathrm{nmm}$ space group.