
Synthesis, Structure and Electrophysical Properties of Fluoride-Conducting Phases Вa1-XLaXSnF4+X

It has been determined that the concentration interval for the existence of solid solutions of heterovalent substitution $\mathrm{Ba}_{1-\mathrm{x}} \mathrm{La}_{\mathrm{x}} \mathrm{SnF}_{4+\mathrm{x}}$, which are formed by the partial replacement of barium cations with lanthanum cations in the $\mathrm{BaSnF}_4$ compound, is $0.0<x \leq 0.12$. The obtained phases are isostructural $\mathrm{BaSnF}_4$, have a crystal lattice of tetragonal syngony, corresponding to the $\mathrm{P} 4 / \mathrm{nmm}$ space group.

Research and Design of Multibit Binary Adders on Fpga

This paper provides an analysis of the system characteristics and functional capabilities of various types of adders for the high-speed component construction of arithmetic and logical devices in modern superscalar processors. The main features of parallel prefix adders (Sklansky, Brent Kung, Kogge Stone, Ladner Fisher, Han Carlson) and tree-like structures based on incomplete binary adders have been determined in this study. The structures of typical and improved incomplete binary adders have been shown and their complexity characteristics have been calculated as well.

Дослідження та синтез кільцевих монолітних кодів на основі методу твірних елементів

Розроблено новий ефективний метод синтезу монолітних кодів, який ґрунтується на понятті твірного елемента циклічної різницевої множини, що розширює можливості вибору діапазону коду.

The new effective method of synthesis of monolithic codes, which is based on the concept of formative element of cyclic different set which extends possibilities of choice of range of code, is developed

Синтез моделі підсистеми пошуку стежок доступу до унітермів xml-формул алгоритмів

Синтезовано абстрактний алгоритм і його модель для віднаходження стежок доступу до унітермів, описаних спеціалізованим xml-форматом формул алгоритмів.

Synthesized abstract algorithm and model for finding paths access to uniterms of described specialized xml - format formulae of algorithms

Розроблення архітектури системи синтезу мікроелектромеханічних систем

Стаття присвячена розробленню архітектури системи, що доє змогу розробнику автоматизувати процес структурного синтезу МЕМС, використовуючи ситуативно базовану аргументацію.

This article is devoted to system architecture development, which solves MEMS structural synthesis tasks using case-based reasoning.

Synthesis of Heterocyclic Pyridine-Based Chalcones with Dimeric Structure

Three new heterocyclic chalcones containing pyridine moiety were synthesized and their chemical structures were determined via IR, 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectroscopy. General name of these compounds are α,ω-bis{3-(pyridin-3-yl)-1-(phenyl-4-oxy)prop-2-en-1-one}alkanes. The chalcones are dimers having a symmetrical structure and they can be differed by the alkyl spacer length (CnH2n, where n = 8, 10 or 12). Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) technique was employed to study their phase transition behaviors.

Electrosynthesis of Ni-Co/Hydroxyapatite as a Catalyst for Hydrogen Generation via the Hydrolysis of Aqueous Sodium Borohydride (NaBH4) Solutions

To generate hydrogen from its storage as NaBH4, a catalyst was synthesized via an electrochemical method. The catalyst, Ni-Co, had hydroxyapatite as a support catalyst. The electrochemical cell consisted of a DC power supply, a carbon anode and cathode, and a bipolar membrane to separate the cell into two chambers. The current density was adjusted to 61, 91, and 132 mA/cm2. The electrolysis time was 30, 60, and 90 min. The particles produced were analyzed by XRD and SEM/EDX and tested in the hydrolysis of NaBH4 for hydrogen generation.

Synthesis, Characterization and Application of a Diatomite-Based Composite for the Adsorption of Anionic Dyes in Aqueous Solutions

Synthesis, characterization and application of the polyaniline-diatomite (PAD) composite in the adsorption of Reactive Red 120 (RR 120) and Acid Blue (AB) dyes were carried out. The composite was prepared by the in situ polymerization of aniline. Mass of purified diatomite was mixed with a solution containing aniline dissolved in 2M hydrochloric acid at room temperature. The solid obtained was characterized using the SEM, XRD and FTIR analyses. The kinetic adsorption of dyes was described using the pseudo-second order kinetic model.


The article developed the mathematical model for the synthesis of ornamental images and implemented the software editor of ornamental images, based on symmetry theory. The paper shows the fundamental role of symmetry. It is analyzed that the symmetry theory methods are used in physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering. It was found that symmetry is based on transformation and storage. In addition, the symmetrical system is based on a set of invariants that are built according to certain rules.

The Synthesis and In Silico Antihypertensive Activity Prognosis of New Mannich Bases Containing the 1,2,4-Triazole Moiety

As a part of our continuous research on potential antihypertensive agents among morpholine and piperidine derivatives, 10 novel target compounds containing 1,2,4-triazole and morpholine or piperidine moieties have been designed and synthesized, and the docking studies have been conducted in order to find biologically active substances with the antihypertensive activity.