
Polymer-FLR for Mud Fluid Loss Reduction

A fluid loss reducer polymer (polymer-FLR) was synthesized using acrylamide, hydroxyethyl methacrylate, N-vinyl pyrrolidone, and N,N-dimethyl acrylamide by free radical polymerization, followed by partial hydrolysis. Its composition was confirmed using FTIR and 1H NMR spectroscopy. API mud fluid loss reduction of polymerFLR was about 10-fold lower than the blank. High temperature, high pressure fluid loss reduction of about 9-fold were achieved compared with the blank.


In recent years the chemistry of the materials for biomedical purpose is developing intensively. This is due to necessity to create of new generation of biocompatible composites for implants, effective drug delivery systems and substratum for tissue engineering. The various functional polymers that are suitable to immobilize and controlled release of synthetic medicinal substances, proteins, nucleic acids and other biopolymers under mild conditions are used for this purpose.

Genetic Algorithm Application for Synthesis and Analysis of Electromechanical Systems

One of modern possible problem solutions of analysis and synthesis in electromechanical systems is the recourse to a genetic algorithm as a method of artificial intelligence. The originality of the proposed approach lies in the usage of fractional order models to solve the above-mentioned problem. The quality function is proposed to be used in the developed algorithms for analysis and synthesis procedures of electromechanical systems. It is also proposed to get the desired outcome of results deviation from the set values by means of quality function control after each iteration.

Синтез нових функціональних похідних кумінового спирту.

Розроблено методи синтезу нових похідних кумінового спирту: кумінгліцидилового етеру, кумінфосфату, флуоровмісного та алкоксисилільного кумінових етерів. Будова одержаних сполук підтверджена ІЧ спектроскопією та елементним аналізом.

Synthesis and Photodynamic Properties of Colloidal Silver Solutions

This work presents the results of research the electromagnetic radiation influence on the change in the geometric shape of spherical silver nanoparticles, obtained by method of photostimulated recovery of Ag ions from salt solution (AgNO3). Сrystalline sodium citrate (Na3C6H5O7) was used to recover Ag by anions of citrate acid. Due to adsorption on the surface of silver nanoparticles and creating electrostatic barrier that prevents aggregation of silver nanoparticles, sodium citrate was also used as a stabilizer.

Structural and Kinematic Synthesis of the 1-DOF Eight-Bar Walking Mechanism with Revolute Kinematic Pairs

Problem statement. The use of existing and the most widespread drives (wheeled and caterpillar one) is sometimes limited by complicated operational conditions while moving on rough terrain. The mentioned drives require a relatively flat surface to be operated effectively. A rocky or a hilly terrain imposes the demand of the use of alternative types of drives, in particular, walking ones.

Comparative analysis of the resonant vibro-impact two and three-mass structure systems with linear friction

The optimization model based on the criteria of energy efficiency of vibration systems is considered. This criterion is presented as the ratio of maximum of the working mass acceleration to consumption power of system. Optimization task is added of constraints that determine the technological aspects of vibrational resonant type - the width of the resonance zone, coefficient asymmetry of acceleration, maximum acceleration of the working mass. Searching of stiffness of asymmetric piecewise linear elastic properties at the basic of synthesis is entrusted.

Технологія синтезу термітних жароміцних сталей з карбідним зміцненням

The possibility of synthesis of heat-resistant steels metallothermy are set as a result of theoretical and experimental work. The influence of the method of synthesis on metallothermic features of the microstructure and phase composition of the thermite steel was found. The mechanical and service properties and their dependence on temperature and the effect on the properties of the alloy grain thermite metal are set for thermite synthesized analogues of industrial heat-resistant steel grades “40Х15Н7Г7Ф2МС” and “37Х12Н8Г8МФБ”

Синтез сахаридовмісних сполук з тіірановими групами на основі епоксисахаридів

In this article the methods of synthesis of novel saccharide containing with reactive epoxide and tieranic groups have been developed. Obtained compounds seem to be prospective intermediates for cration of new surface active and biocompatible compounds. Розроблено методи одержання нових сахаридовмісних сполук з реакційноздатними епокси- та тіірановими групами. На основі таких сполук можна одержувати різноманітні похідні, які мають поверхнево-активні та біоцидні властивості.  

Синтез нових типів сульфуровмісних похідних моносахаридів

The novel sugar-containing thiosulfoesters were prepared from the natural compound – glycidylgalactose. The synthesis techniques of arylsulfonic acids sugar-containing thioesters were developed and worked out on the basis of the model compound – 2-butoxymethylthiirane. 
Синтезовано нові сахаридовмісні тіосульфоестери на основі сполуки природного походження – гліцидилгалактози. Методики синтезу сахаридовмісних тіоестерів аренсульфонових кислот розроблено та відпрацьовано на основі модельної сполуки – 2-бутоксиметилтіїрану.