
The history of glass under the microscope: from what angles it is worth exploring tutorials

The history of glass is multifaceted and full of mysteries. It is impossible, however, to study glass-making in all its complexity of manifestations by using only historical methods. By the example of Hutta production in the late XV — the 1st half of the XIX centuries the article shows the necessity to use a multidisciplinary approach in order to provide a maximum detailed research of the history of glass.

Дослідження міцності та деформативності скляних балок з вертикальним розміщенням шарів

The paper deals with an experimental study of glass beams with vertical layers . It is advisable to diversify the use of building materials to improve the functional properties of building structures. Therefore it is necessary to investigate the use of load-bearing building structures made of materials not previously used for that purpose. One of such materials is glass. For the manufacture of glass design using tryplex technology – safety glass, which allows you to maintain the physical and mechanical properties of glass and provides reliable connection between parts of the structure.