
Поліестери n-стеарил глутамінової кислоти та діолів для створення самостабілізованих дисперсних систем

The factors which allow obtaining stable polymer dispersions in the water of new amphiphilic polyesters based on the polyeterdiols as hydrophilic blocks and N-acylderivatives of glutamic acid as lipophilic blocks were proved. The dependence of the stability of the obtained dispersions on the macromolecule structure and polyoxyethylene fragment molecular mass in its structure was established. The macromolecules of new pseudo-poly(amino acid) according to their colloidal, chemical and biomedical parameters can be used for polymer systems shipping  design of therapeutic means.

Створення композицій гідрогелів як матриць для трансдермальних систем доставки ліків

The possibility of formation of hydrogel compositions based on the reinforced crosslinked polyacrylamide filled with amphiphilic polyesterether nanoparticles for transdermal drug delivery systems is shown. Показана можливість створення гідрогелевих композицій на основі армованого перехреснозшитого поліакриламіду, наповненого наночастинками амфіфільного поліестеретеру, для трансдермальних засобів доставки ліків.

Національний університет “Львівська Політехніка”, кафедра органічної хімії

The cross linked polyesters based on glutamic acid, glycerol and oxyethylene and oxypropylene alcohols were received. It was shown that those polyesters are able to form stabilized dispersion with microsized particles. Отримано перехресно зшиті поліестери на основі глутамінової кислоти, гліцерину та спиртів оксиетиленового та оксипропіленового ряду. Показано що такі поліестери здатні формувати стабільну дисперсію з частинками мікронного розміру

Classification of metal surfaces for statistical picture signs of a dispersion

The paper contains the results of investigation of statistical features based on dispersion and their comparison in conditions of using for metal surface classification. The partitioning of whole set of characteristic values into ranges, which correspond to separate types of metal alloys, is used for classification.

Studies on sedimentation of asphaltene deposits in distillation residues

In this work, experimental methods used for the evaluation of stability of solids in liquids dispersions, are presented. For the characterization of dispersion components, modern analytical techniques, such as tensiometry, scanning and static turbidimetry, have been applied. The influence of selected surface active substances on the dispersion stability was demonstrated.

Effect of Extrusion Processing Variables in the Polyethylene/Clay Nanocomposites Rheological Properties

In this work, high density polyethylene, HDPE, was compounded in a twin screw extruder with organophilic treated montmorillonite clay and a compatibilizer agent. The screws configuration was changed from distributive to highly dispersive [1], using four different profiles. The extrusion conditions were also changed. The exfoliation degree was evaluated by X-rays. The rheological measurements showed different behavior according to the processing adopted.

Intensification of Man-made Waste Methane Fermentation Process in Complex Fertilizer Technology

The methods of laboratory studies found the opportunity to intensify the process of methane fermentation which is used in the complex fertilizer technology. To intensify fermentation it was suggested to reprocess the mixture by chemical and mechanical ways that consists in the preliminary dispersion. Thus, the duration of mixture methanation process in mesophilic regime has been reduced by more than a half. The functions have been obtained and can be used to select the method of fermented mixture preprocessing in industry.