The Purpose of Philosophy (Translated by Dmytro Sepetyi)
This is the first Ukrainian translation of Isaiah Berlin's essay "The Purpose of Philosophy".
This is the first Ukrainian translation of Isaiah Berlin's essay "The Purpose of Philosophy".
The foreword focuses on the life of Isaiah Berlin, his interests, as well as the article “The Purpose of Philosophy”, which is translated into Ukrainian for the first time. Isaiah Berlin's metaphilosophical reflections on philosophy are important for understanding what is the place of philosophy in the system of sciences, what tasks philosophy can solve. This article also explains the value of philosophy for society and man.
The article discusses the issue of the essence and scientific status of philosophy. The case is made that philosophy is essentially related to worldview, because it revolves around the most general questions about the world, a human being, and its place in the world – worldview questions, or Big Philosophical Questions. This does not mean that philosophy is a worldview, or a collection of worldviews, or a science about worldviews.
The article analyzes the role and place in the history of philosophical and legal thought of the published work «Philosophy of Law» by the German thinker G.V.F. Hegel. Written 200 years ago, it is considered to be one of the most profound and relevant works in which Hegel creatively based on his dialectical and philosophical method and methodology analyzes the complex processes in the socio-political, legal, economic, moral, psychological and religious life of civil society and the state.
The review includes a book by Pierre Ado, a French philosopher, philologist and researcher for ancient and medieval philosophy. The main idea of the book is to find an answer on the question: does philosophy form or inform? In this way, the author tries to actualize the fact that philosophical discourse and philosophical life are inseparable. He believes that the recognition of philosophical life as one of the poles of philosophy will help to find a place in our modern world for philosophers who will not only renew philosophical discourse, but also direct it into their lives.
For readers of the journal, we propose the first Ukrainian translation of the article "Historiography of Philosophy: Four Genres" by the American postmodernist philosopher Richard Rorty, in which he considers possible strategies of historic-philosophical researches and their role in the development of philosophical thinking.
The purpose of the overview is to illustrate the didactic, pedagogical, scientific aspects of the relevance of an interdisciplinary approach in teaching philosophical disciplines, using the example of the Master’s and Bachelor’s Programs «Philosophy & Economics» at the University of Bayreuth in Germany.
Висвітлено методологічну ситуацію у сучасному правознавстві, основною особливістю
якої є перехід від моністичної методології до філософсько-методологічного плюралізму.
Gilles Deleuze's “Literature and Life” was published in 1993 in the collection of essays "Critics and Clinique". The essay is translated into Ukrainian for the first time. In the essay, the French philosopher demonstrates his own interpretation of literature and literary process. The text is full of concepts and ideas developed and offered by Deleuze in his previous works: “Proust and Signs”, “Logic of Sense”, “Zola and the Crack-up”, “Anti-Oedipus”, “Kafka: Towards a Minor Literature”, “A Thousand Plateaus”, “and Dialogues”.
The article deals with the methodological situation in modern jurisprudence. It is stressed that its main feature is the conversion from the monistic totality of the researching methods of the philosophical-methodological pluralism. Established that the philosophical basis of research is pluralistic methodology that combines equal content and origin essence methods.