
Evaluation of the permissible moment in a roller cone drill bit providing the prescribed reliability of work

After analyzing the nature of the damage of surfaces was discovered the traces of the compression effect which arise along the cutters axis when squeezing it into the rock of delve. There were also founded the traces of deformation from the action of bending to the cutter, depending on the orientation of its slip on the face. We noticed the rubbing, fretting-corrosion, damage the local areas of the apertures walls caused by scrolling the cutter around its axis in the aperture of cones crown.

Бінарні відношення обмежень рухливості – основа математичного опису складальних виробів

The paper proposes a methodology for the mathematical description of elements assembly units through binary relations mobility limitations. It is shown that such relations should be defined for pairs of parts for the conditions of the initial position, the possible movement of the fixation conditions of integrity.