

The issue of industrial water treatment and food waste disposal is particularly relevant, especially for the alcohol industry. The problem of wastewater treatment and waste accumulation in the process of alcohol production is due to high chemical and biological oxygen demand, specific colour and odour, a large number of suspended substances, low pH. Therefore, the choice of promising wastewater treatment technologies is of paramount importance to ensure the ecological safety of the environment.

Biofuel characterization and pyrolysis kinetics of acacia mangium

The study seeks to proffer practical solutions to the sustainable waste management of Acacia mangium leaves (AML) and explore its solid biofuel (SBF) potential through thermochemical valorization. Consequently, the physicochemical, thermal and kinetic properties of AML were examined using elemental, proximate, bomb calorimetric, thermogravimetric (TG-DTG), and Kissinger kinetic analyses. The results revealed AML possesses high content of carbon, volatile matter, and fixed carbon but low moisture and ash content.

Зменшення енергозатрат процесу виробництва твердого біопалива та підвищення якісних показників продукції

Розглянуто методи зменшення енергетичних затрат у технологічних лініях вироб-
ництва твердого біопалива, зокрема, на стадіях підготування грубостеблової біомаси до
брикетування. Для зменшення енергозатрат процесу сушіння запропоновано зневод-
нювати біомасу фільтраційним методом. Узагальнюючи результати кінетики, гідроди-
наміки процесу сушіння та розрахунку корисної різниці між затраченою енергією на
сушіння сировини та її нижчою теплотворною здатністю, визначено оптимальні

Cause-Effect Analysis of the Modern State in Production of Jet Fuels

The main methods of fuels for gas-turbine engines manufacturing are presented in the given article. Taking into account limitation of the world deposits of oil and other fossil fuels, the perspectives of various kinds of raw materials application for jet fuels production are discussed. Processes of raw materials extraction and processing, further manufacturing and use of jet fuels were analysed and their impact on environment was estimated.

Fuel Characterization and Thermogravimetric Analysis of Melon (Citrullus colocynthis L.) Seed Husk

The thermochemical fuel properties of melon seed husk (MSH) were characterized to examine its solid biofuel (SBF) potential for future bioenergy utilization. MSH is a cheap, abundant and renewable source of lignocellulosic waste generated from the extraction of vegetable oil from melon seeds. Thermochemical characterization was examined by proximate, ultimate, and thermogravimetric (TG-DTG) analyses, as well as Fourier transform infra-red (FT-IR) spectroscopy.