executive bodies

Functioning of the institution of state secretaries as a condition of providing institutional memory in public administration

This article analyzes the home country experience of implementing state secretary positions in the central governmental bodies and the foreign multi-year practice in the functioning of these positions. The implementation of state secretary positions in the Ministries is ascertained to be one of the most important elements of civil service reform that brings public administration of Ukraine closer to the European standards.

Coherencing the competences of local government authorities and executive bodies in the context of public administration

Problem setting. An important prerequisite and key to successful implementation of the strategic course for the implementation of European standards of living in Ukraine and its entry into the leading positions in the world is the reform of public administration and decentralization in order to create an effective, transparent, open, flexible structure of public administration, transition from the centralized model of government in the state, ensuring the capacity of local self-government and building an effective system of territorial organization of government in Ukraine.

Concept law and discipline in the executive authorities

The authors elucidate the meaning and essence of the law and discipline of the executiveauthorities, due to the need for the rule of law, which requires constant improvement of theentire system and, above all, the executive authorities, as the alpha and omega of their activities should be a high level of compliance with the law and discipline

The genesis of the understanding of law as a fundamental principle of activity of bodies of public administration

The article investigates the fundamental principle of government – law, which provides strict and mandatory compliance with laws and regulations by all entities – public authorities, public organizations, officials and citizens, and covers all aspects of life