

The physicochemical regularities of interactions in the starch-glycerol-epoxidized soybean oil system under the influence of ultrasound were investigated. On the basis of rheological curves, the effect of plasticizers on the viscosity of glycerin-starch systems was revealed, depending on the shear rate, time of exposure at temperature, and the nature of starch. On the basis of IR spectroscopic studies, the existence of interactions between the components of the system was confirmed.

Рhysico-chemical interactions in plasticized starch materials

The physicochemical patterns of interactions in the starch-glycerol-epoxidized soybean oil system were studied. On the basis of rheological curves, the effect of plasticizers on the viscosity of glycerin-starch systems was revealed, depending on the shear rate, time of exposure at temperature, and the nature of starch. The effect of epoxidized soybean oil on the viscosity of glycerin-moist starch systems was revealed. On the basis of IR spectroscopic studies and refractive index values, the existence of interactions between the system components was confirmed.

Вплив низькомолекулярних додатків на властивості клеїв на основі полівінілового спирту

The results of the impact experimental studies of low molecular applications on the technological properties and frost-resistance compositions based on polyvinyl alcohol are reflected. Подано результати експериментальних досліджень впливу низькомолекулярних додатків на технологічні властивості та морозостійкість клейових композицій на основі полівінілового спирту. 

Вплив природи термопласту-модифікатора на мігрування пластифікатора з полівінілхлоридних пластикатів

The effect of polystyrene modifier and diesterphthalic plasticizer nature on wettability of PVC by plasticizer and degree of its migration from the volume of the material is established. Встановлено вплив природи полістрольного модифікатора і диестерфталатного пластифікатора на змочуваність полівінілхлориду пластифікатором та ступінь його мігрування з об’єму матеріалу.

The Influence of Polystyrene Modifier and Plasticizer Nature on the Properties of Poly(vinyl chloride)

Poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) has been modified by dissolution of polystyrene modifier in diesterphthalate plasticizer, followed by dispersive mixing with PVC. The effects of the kind of modifier and plasticizer used on the wetting of PVC by the plasticizer have been evaluated. The degree of plasticizer migration out of the material and the effects of the migration on mechanical and thermophysical properties of modified materials have been determined.